Brandy Stark

Earth, Air, and Water: Elements of Life

St. Petersburg, Florida

Brandy graduated from the University of South Florida with a Masters in Religious Studies. She is a board member for The Exhibiting Society of Artists as well as a member of the Gulf Coast Artists’ Alliance, The Arts Center, and the Florida Craftsmen. Inspired by her knowledge of ancient world mythology, Brandy has produced her award winning works since 1995. In 2001, she served as an artist-in-residence for Bay Pines VA Hospital.  In 2002, she created a specialized art tour designed in conjunction with the internationally attended Dragon*con Convention.  She continues to find ways to introduce the public to local artists-in-residence, to new and varied art venues, and to stress the importance of art in society.

“In indigenous cultures there is a basic understanding whatever is done to nature is done to the self. We are what we produce, we are what we discover. I work with found object art because I believe that all has a place in this world.”Brandy Stark