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Elena Samborskaya


Sovietskaya, Russia

Elena became an artist because her grandmother, a graduate of the women’s gymnasium in 1916, believed that a young woman should know all the arts. As a result, she entered the children’s art school, and emerged four years later with the ability to draw a plaster head of an ancient god, paint a still life, and with the question, what to do now? She fell in love with the characters in the novels of Irving Stone’s “The Agony and the Ecstasy” and “Dear Theo” about the lives of Michelangelo and Van Gogh. In 1976, Elena entered an architectural institute and worked as an architectural designer in the eighties until some years later when she made time for more creative work, understanding that architecture was not for her. Besides shows in Volgograd and other Russian cities, in the early nineties, her work was shown abroad and sold in Italy. In 1992, she accompanied 15 of her canvases to Germany for the ART HAMBURG show. This was her first opportunity to compare her work with that of other artists in an international exhibition, where half of her works sold. Other successful trips to Europe followed.

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“A wheel itself most vividly represents an idea of moving in space. The hubcap is a characteristic representative of a wheel. I like a metaphor contained in the project - an idea of signs on various cultures moving in space on hubcaps in order to gather in one place and to form grandiose parking place of cultures, ideas and civilizations. I want to be the participant of that traffic.”Elena Samborskaya