Trish Collins

Arbutus by Moonlight

Victoria, BC, Canada

Trish has worked with mosaics of one type or another from childhood. During a successful corporate career she continued mosaics as a hobby and restful diversion while dreaming of the day when she could make mosaics a full time occupation. Taking courses internationally and joining up with other like minded artists, she has been able to expand and further her knowledge, skills and methods. Today, Trish works mostly in glass elements, incorporating art glass, recycled glass, and glass tile of all sorts to create decorative and functional mosaics for the garden and home. A kiln helps her fashion totally unique components for completely one of a kind designs. Teaching the methods and learnings in workshops is a great side benefit, where participants gain a new appreciation of art.

“What a fun and challenging project, to do what I do, and hopefully beautify an item that could essentially be tossed into a landfill where it would sit forever and no doubt contribute to the fatal poisoning of our wonderful planet. I’m honored to be in the company of many talented international artists on such a worthy project.”Trish Collins