Vivian Visser


Chicago, Illinois

Vivian has been an environmental artist for many years using natural materials to access the spiritual connection between people and nature. Vivian has exhibited in the Koehnline Museum of Art, Des Plaines, Illinois, the Bellevue Sculpture Exhibition, Bellevue, Washington, and her work is part of the permanent collection of the Nature Museum, Gongju, Korea. Vivian has been commissioned to create an interpretive installation at the new Openlands Lakeshore Preserve. The sculpture clarifies the process of erosion in a Ravine ecosystem using driftwood to evoke the presence of running water. Vivian is also a certified Urban Arborist and participates in Prairieland and Woodland audits with the Audubon Society for Chicago Wilderness.

“To reconnect with nature, we have to change our ways and beliefs. Over consumption and thoughtless dumping will destroy everything around us. As an interconnected system, nature itself is really our home, and it’s a bad idea to pollute your kitchen or bedroom.”Vivian Visser