Rochelle Ford


Palo Alto, California

Rochelle’s work has been exhibited and is collected throughout the United States. Her work is found in several publications. She has also been featured in many television interviews and cable television programs. Rochelle’s work has received many awards such as; Marquis Who's Who, Who's Who in America 2005, Millennium Edition, Who's Who of American Women 2005, Distillery Literary Journal Cover, Lynchburg, TN 2002, Soho International Art, New York, NY 2001, and National Art Calendar Magazine, Sallsbury, MD 2000.

"The two faces on my hubcap represent Life, Love, Romance, and Staying Happy! I made this sculpture after my husband walked up and gave me a big hug and a kiss. We’re both still happy and very much in love, after 50 years of marriage. We feel safe, secure, respected, and able to laugh more than we ever want to cry. The rays around the sun faces are made of old coat hangers; the red net between the rods is torn from a bag in which I bought some onions. There are springs around the blue glass eyes and washers with glass beads on the cheeks. All the rest is small, inconsequential ‘stuff’. This ‘stuff’ represents the frequent and tender acts that keep our marriage solid and life full of happiness and light after nearly half a century."Rochelle Ford